XIX Brazilian Congress of Plant Physiology



We invite students and researchers to submit abstracts for consideration at the Brazilian Congress of Plant Physiology. 

We eagerly anticipate your contributions to XIX CBFV!


Deadline for submission of abstracts
(poster format)

Deadline for submission of manuscripts
(Moacyr Maestri Award)

Deadline for attendee registration

Only one copy of presentation certificate will be sent to the author who submitted the work (1 copy in PDF format per communication/poster with all authors). The authors will receive the certificate only if they have presented their work during the conference.


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The oral presentation format will be eligible for award. A jury will select the best manuscripts presented taking into account the criterion of originality and the quality of the study. The finalists will present their work in a 15-minute oral presentation.

Authors who would like to be awarded (oral communications) must prove that they meet the requirements for the specific category: young researcher. The organization will require documentation accrediting these requirements. Finalists will receive an accredited certificate.

For the reception of award, the presence of the authors (finalists) in the closing ceremony will be required.

The following awards will be announced:

Moacyr maestri AWARD FOR

Authors who would like to be awarded (oral communications) must prove that they meet the requirements for the specific category: young researcher
(PhD Thesis defence from 2020 until now).

Selected Young Researchers (in alphabetical order)*
*not reflecting final placement

Freire, Francisco Bruno Silva
Lima, Valéria Freitas
Machado, Kleiton Lima de Godoy



Manuscripts from young researchers for the proposal of single oral communications must be submitted to the email cbfv@sbfv.org.br.

For more information, read carefully the document at the link below:

For inquiries, please contact cbfv@sbfv.org.br


Abstracts for the proposal of posters will be submitted by the abstract submission platform on SBFV website. Each abstract must be written in English.

Abstracts need to be structured in the following way: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Please DO NOT include the name of sections (Background, Objectives…).

Only abstracts submitted with written results or data and definitive conclusions will be accepted.

- The official poster template must be used without any changes to the font or colors to ensure uniformity.
- You are free to organize the content as needed based on your work. We understand that the amount of content for each section may vary according to your work, so this part is customizable.
- The template is set for printing at 120x90 cm. For convenience, Lugi Comunicação Visual in Viçosa offers poster printing for R$55,00 for those who provide proof of registration.


Template for your poster communication is available



To present a work, at least the presenting author must be registered to the Congress at the time of work acceptance. The name of presenting author will be indicated in the submission form.


All authors who sign the work must be indicated on the platform by completing the following fields: Name and Last name, Mail, Work Center, City and Country. Each submitted abstract can include up to 10 authors (1 author + 9 co-authors)


The abstracts for posters will be submitted via the submission form. The length of the abstract must be between 250 and 300 words.


Each application may submit only one abstract.


The title should always be written in capital letters with a maximum of 15 words.


The work center (without detailing faculty, department, etc.) and city/state of each author must be written in Sentence Type and in the corresponding language and separated by commas, except the country that will be written in English followed by a period (Example: Universidade do Ceará, Fortaleza-CE, Brazil; Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain).


In case that the authors do not meet the guidelines, the organization committee reserves the right to edit the information provided by the authors in the abstract, specifically in the fields: “authors”, “work center” and “province/state”, in order to meet the guidelines indicated above.


If you want to submit your work to the next 19th Brazilian Congress of Plant Physiology click on the link below and follow the indications.

If you have already registered for this congress, you can send your extended abstract through the following link with the requirements for oral communications.