Check out the short courses offered during the 19th Brazilian Congress of Plant Physiology.
The workshops will take place on Monday, October 07, 2024, and will last for 4 hours (08:30 - 12:30 PM).
Each course will costs R$ 100,00 to SBFV Members and R$ 150,00 to Non-members.
In situ hybridization for locating gene expression in plant tissues
Dra. Andréa Koehler, Lázara Silva, Sandy Martins, Lana Dias, Elisandra Sousa, Clayton Ferreira and Dr. Wagner Otoni
Vacancies: 25
Introduction to the technique of in situ hybridization (ISH): steps and applications.
Hands-on Session: Visualization of the main steps of ISH with pre-processed samples and required reagents, with direct participation of students.
Introduction to gene editing in plants using CRISPR technique
Dra. Karla Gasparini / Dr. Agustin Zsögön
Vacancies: 25
Theoretical background and practical insights into plant gene editing based on Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR). The use of cloning platforms, creation of reagents for efficient and effective genetic editing, comparison of strategies, applications, problem-solving, and case analysis.
Construction and modeling of A/Ciand A/Cc curves
Dr. Samuel Martins
Vacancies: 50
Equipment setup. Construction of A/Ci curve. Correction of gas exchange data due to CO2 diffusion errors into and out of the chamber.
Approaches to estimate leaf absorbance and electron partitioning for improved accuracy in electron transport rate calculation. Leaf respiration measurements. Processing of A/Ci curve. Estimation of mesophyll conductance for conversion of A/Ci to A/Cc curve. Automation of curve analysis.
Metabolic analyses
Dra. Valéria Lima / Dr. Danilo Daloso
Vacancies: 25
Hands-on Session: Leaf metabolite extraction
Metabolite identification and quantification via X-Calibur.
Data analysis using the MetaboAnalyst platform.
Obtaining and using mutants in Plant Physiology research
Dr. Lázaro Peres
Vacancies: 50
Conceptualization: Gene/Allele, Mutants/Natural Variation/Transgenesis, Synteny/Recombination, Genome/Pangenome, Clonal Lineage/Chimerism.
Technique: Mutagenesis (EMS, Radiation, Tagging, and Editing), Introgression, Genetic transformation.
Example:Planning of screening and experiments in Plant Physiology.
Ecophysiology of woody plants in brazilian tropical biomes
Dr. José Francisco de C. Gonçalves, Dr. Francisco Lobo, and Dr. Marcelo Mielke
Vacancies: 50
Concepts of Plant Ecophysiology.
Methods of Ecophysiological research: Utilization of portable photosynthesis measurement systems. Parameters measured, calculated, and assumptions made, advantages and limitations of equipment usage. Insights from gas exchange variables (stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate, and transpiration rate).
Case studies: Ecophysiological research in field and controlled environments with woody species and palms (research findings, challenges in formulating questions, data collection, and analysis). Amazon biome. Atlantic forest biome. Pantanal biome.
Plant Nutrition: Concepts and Applications
Dr. Vitor L. Nascimento
Vacancies: 50
This short course aims to present the main concepts and applications of plant nutrition concerning plant physiology. To do this, we will talk from a theoretical and practical perspective about: (i) the most current concepts about the action of mineral nutrients in plants; (ii) how these concepts can be applied in a scenario of global climate change aiming to increasing and maintaining productivity; and (iii) how to plan experiments regarding plant nutrition (e.g. preparation of nutrient solutions; field experiments; foliar fertilization). Our target audience is students (undergraduate and graduate) and professionals who already work or intend to work in the area of plant physiology.Technique: Mutagenesis (EMS, Radiation, Tagging, and Editing), Introgression, Genetic transformation.
Example:Planning of screening and experiments in Plant Physiology.
Da pesquisa ao mercado: como tirar seu projeto da bancada.
Marcus Vinícius Valente
Vacancies: 50
Uma abordagem prática e teórica para a Modelagem de Negócios, com foco especial em pesquisa e segmentação de mercado. Os participantes aprenderão a desenvolver e aprimorar modelos de negócios utilizando ferramentas como o Canvas do Modelo de Negócio e o Lean Canvas, além de explorar técnicas de pesquisa de mercado para obter dados relevantes. O curso abrange métodos de coleta e análise de dados, segmentação de mercado com base em critérios demográficos, psicográficos, geográficos e comportamentais, e como integrar essas informações na construção de um modelo de negócios eficaz. Com atividades práticas e estudos de caso, o minicurso visa capacitar os participantes a identificar e atender melhor seu público-alvo, ajustando suas estratégias de negócio de forma informada e estratégica.